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Jewish Holidays - Section Map

The Jewish Holidays

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Hebrew for Christians - Jewish Holidays Pages
Hebrew for Christians Jewish Holidays Pages (Printer Version)
A Concise Overview of the Seven Feasts of Israel
Introduction to the Jewish Calendar
The Gregorian Calendar and Pagan Assumptions
Types of Jewish Holidays
The Jewish Shabbat
Introduction to Shabbat
Preparing for Shabbat
Giving Tzedekah
Lighting the Sabbath Candles
Birkat Banim - Blessing the Children on Shabbat
Friday Night Kiddush - Lifting up the Cup of Salvation
Netilat Yadayim for Shabbat
The Blessing over the Challot
Eating the Erev Shabbat Meal
Shabbat Day Activities
Afterword - Christians and Shabbat
Special Sabbaths of the Jewish Year
Shabbat Zachor - שבת זכור - The Fight of Faith
Shabbat Parah - שבת פרה
Should Christians keep the Sabbath Day?
Entering God's Sabbath Rest
ראש חדש - Rosh Chodesh (The Jewish Month)
חודש אייר - The Month of Iyyar
חודש סיון - The Month of Sivan
חדש תמוז - Chodesh Tammuz - the Month of Tammuz
חדש אב - The month of Av
חדש חשון - The month of Cheshvan
חדש כסלו - The Month of Kislev
ראש חדש טבת - Chodesh Tevet - the Month of Tevet
חדש שבט - Chodesh Shevat - the Month of Shevat
חדש אדר - Chodesh Adar - the Month of Adar
Haftarah for Rosh Chodesh
The Spring Holidays
Rosh Chodashim - Biblical New Years Day
Rosh Chodashim - Biblical New Years Day (Printer Version)
The Month of Nisan and Deliverance
Shabbat HaGadol - The Sabbath before Passover
Shabbat HaGadol - The Sabbath before Passover (Printer Page)
Ta'anit Bechorim - the fast of the firstborn son
Ta'anit Bechorim - the fast of the firstborn son (Printer Version)
Pesach - The Feast of Freedom
A brief overview of Passover
When does Passover begin?
Preparing your house for Passover
Preparing your house for Passover (Printer Version)
The Vernal Equinox and the Crucifixion
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The Removal of Chametz
Perpective - Chametz for Passover?
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The Love Song of Passover...
The Passover Seder
Introduction to the Passover Seder
The Passover Seder Plate Arrangement
Passover Candle Lighting Blessings
Partaking of Miriam's Cup - Honoring the Women in our Lives
Kadesh - Sanctifying the Wine
Urchatz - Handwashing before Karpas
Karpas - Dipping the Vegetables
Yachatz - Breaking the Matzah
Maggid - Telling the Story of Passover
Rachtzah - Performing Netilat Yadayim
Motzi Matzah - Eating the Matzah
Maror - Eating Bitter Herbs
Korech - Eating the Hillel Sandwich
Shulchan Orech - Eating the Passover Meal
Tzafun - Eating the Afikomen
Barech - Blessing after the meal
Hallel - Songs of Praise
Nirtzah - Conclusion of the Seder
The Meaning of Passover
The Great Lamb of God
Passover and the "Limping Messiah"
Unleavened Bread - Chag HaMatzot
Unleavened Bread - Chag HaMatzot (Printer Version)
Yeshua and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Sefirat HaOmer - Counting the Omer
Sefirat HaOmer - Counting the Omer (Printer Version)
Mem B'Omer and the Ascension of Yeshua
Sefirat HaOmer - Should We Count the Omer?
Yom HaBikkurim - Firstfruits of Spring
Why the Resurrection of Messiah Matters
The Mysterious Shroud of Turin
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day
Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day (Printer Version)
The Cowardice of the Crowd - further thoughts on the Holocaust
Yom Hashoah - Hating what is Evil
Yom HaShoah - Beauty for Ashes
The Evils of Social Fascism...
Philosophy and the Holocaust
Kaddish Providence
Yom Hazikaron - Israeli Memorial Day
Yom Hazikaron - Israeli Memorial Day (Printer Version)
Yom Ha'atzma'ut - Israel's Independence Day
Yom Ha'atzma'ut - Israel Independence Day (Printer Version)
Herzl Day - Honoring the Zionist Vision...
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ל"ג בעםר - Lag Ba'Omer - Anniversary of Kabbalah
ל"ג בעםר - Lag Ba'Omer - Anniversary of Kabbalah
Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Reunification Day
The Lost Passion for Zion
Shavuot - the fulfillment of the Covenant
Preparing for Shavuot
Why Shavuot (Pentecost) matters...
Anticipating Shavuot
Shavuot and the Book of Ruth
Shavuot and the Spirit of Freedom
What is Shavuot?
Eschatology and Shavuot...
Summer Holidays
צום תמוז -Tzom Tammuz - The Fast of Tammuz and the Three Weeks of Sorrow
The Fast of Tammuz and the Three Weeks of Sorrow
תשעה באב - Tishah B'Av - Remembering the Destruction of Zion
The Temple and Tishah B'Av
שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם Sinat Chinam and Tishah B'Av
Torah and Haftarah for Tishah B'Av
The prophet Jeremiah and Jesus
A Tishah B'Av Parable...
Tishah B'Av: The Measure of our Days
The Tishah B'Av Prophecies...
ט"ו באב - Tu B'Av - Holiday of Love and Romance
Ahavat Olam
The Fall Holidays
אלול - Elul and Selichot
An Elul Parable
Elul and Cheshbon HaNefesh
Thoughts about Repentance: Teshuvah, Metanoia, and Strepho
Metanoia - Teshuvah of the Mind
The Significance of the Shofar
Teshuvah of the Heart - Returning to your first love
Teshuvah and Renewal
Elul 25 and the Date of Creation
Teshuvah and Reconciliation
Teshuvah and God's Love
Teshuvah and Desire: What are you seeking?
Confession and Reality - Thoughts on Teshuvah
Being Honest with Ourselves...
Proving of the Heart
The Two Accounts of Creation
The Importance of Truth: Meditations on Elul
Call to do Teshuvah: Further thoughts on the month of Elul
Inevitable Judgment: Further thoughts on Teshuvah
Teshuvah and Atonement...
The Exigencies of Repentance...
Getting Ready for the Ten Days of Awe
ראש השנה - Rosh Hashanah - Awakening to Judgment
Is Rosh Hashanah a Biblical Holiday?
Should Christians Celebrate Rosh Hashanah?
Rosh Hashanah - Your Own Day of Judgment
Divine Absence and Teshuvah
Rosh Hashanah and New Creation
King Messiah and Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah and the Lamb...
High Holidays and the Gospel
Tzom Gedaliah - The Fast of Gedaliah
Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement
Al Chet - Yom Kippur Confession
Behold the Goat of God!
Yom Kippur and the Gospel
Yom Kippur and Chesed
Yom Kippur and the Power of Mercy
Yom Kippur and the Book of Life
Yom Kippur and Prophecy
Yom Kippur after the Death of Messiah
Divine Name
Yom Kippur and the Messiah
Yom Kippur and the Ark of the Covenant
Teshuvah and Remedy: Further thoughts on Yom Kippur
The Essence of Yom Kippur...
Transformed by Love: Further thoughts on Yom Kippur
Atonement and Healing: Further thoughts on Yom Kippur
Blood of a Better Kind: Further thoughts on Yom Kippur
The Heart of Atonement: Further thoughts on Yom Kippur
Torah of Blood Atonement: Further thoughts on Yom Kipppur
Yom Kippur and Jonah...
Yom Kippur and God's Mercy...
Sukkot - the Celebration of Tabernacles
A Sukkot Warm up: Sheltering Presence
Thanksgiving Day and the Holiday of Sukkot
Sukkot and Vanity
Sukkot and Freedom
אושפיזין - Ushpizin - Yeshua the Hidden Guest...
Why Sukkot Matters
The Future of Sukkot...
Hoshana Rabba - the Great Salvation
Shemini Atzeret - Prayer for the Latter Day Rains
Simchat Torah - Rejoicing in the Torah
Why Christians should Love Torah
Circle of Torah
Yigdal Elohim
Winter Holidays
Chanukah (חנוכה) - Dedicated Against Assimilation
Chanukah and Spiritual Warfare
Yeshua - the Light that cannot be hidden
The Beauty of God's Truth
Should Christians Celebrate Chanukah?
Love Not the World - thoughts on Chanukah
The Chanukah Prophecies
Christmas - Was Jesus born on December 25th?
Incarnation - The Word Made Flesh...
Yom Kippur and Christmas
Yeled Yulad Lanu - Unto us a Child is Born
Birth Date of Jesus Revisited
The Tenth of Tevet - Remembering the Seige of Jerusalem
Tu B'shevat - Rosh Hashanah for trees
A Tu B'Shevat Seder
Tu B'Shevat and the Sign of the Almond Tree
Tu B'Shevat - The Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)
The Eyes of the Heart
The Torah of Trees...
International Holocaust Remembrance Day IHRD
Ta'anit Esther - The Fast of Ester
Purim - Celebration of Deliverance
Purim - Mordecai's Civil Disobedience
Purim - The Whole Megillah
Purim - Celebrating our Deliverance in Yeshua
Purim - The Blindness of Malice
Theology, Paradox, and Purim
Purim and Parody
The Four Mitzvot of Purim
Should Christians Celebrate Purim?
Purim - Parables and Revelation
The Purim - Yom Kippur Connection
Purim and Prophecy...
Fast Days of the Jewish Year
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A Section Map for the Holiday Pages
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